Java Tutorial - Java Scipt : How an EJB Works

Java Tutorial - Java Scipt :

How an EJB Works

Container management is what drives the power and flexibility of EJBs. The EJB specification’s genius lies not in what is included in the spec, but what is excluded. Contracts provide the interfaces that decouple the EJB from the client and also the container. The remote and local interfaces specify how a client should work with an EJB, but leave room for the EJB container to provide added value atop the interaction. On the server side, the home interface
enables the EJB container to figure out how to manage the management of an EJB. Through these interfaces, the EJB container is free to manage EJBs based on a holistic view and provide life-cycle management for them. In addition  the container manages resources for the EJBs through the Context object, which is a conduit for communication between the EJB and its container. As we will show, this combination is very effective in achieving the goal of simplifying the construction of server-side software components.