Java Tutorial - Java Scipt : JBoss Configuration Files

Java Tutorial - Java Scipt :

JBoss Configuration Files

Now, take a look inside the server\default\conf directory. This is where the JBoss configuration files are. They are mostly in XML format. For our purposes, jbossmq-state.xml is the most interesting of the lot. The JMS users
and roles are stored in this file. The other directory worth checking out is server\default\deploy. This is the directory where JBoss checks for new .ear, .war, and .ejb jar files. Any files copied here are automatically deployed
by the application server. JBoss also stores some configuration files here. In particular, you can find jbossmq destinations-service.xml and jbossmq-service.xml files in this directory. The jbossmq-destinations-service.xml file defines all the JBossMQ queues and topics, as well as security permissions for JBossMQ. Open up the jbossmq-destinations-service.xml file and take a look. There are several JMS destinations already preconfigured. We’ll be utilizing the testTopic topic a lot in our examples because it is available by default.
Here’s an excerpt from jbossmq-destinations-service.xml:

<mbean code=””
<depends optional-attributename=”
<depends optional-attributename=”
<attribute name=”SecurityConf”>
<role name=”guest” read=”true” write=”true”/>
<role name=”publisher” read=”true” write=”true” create=”false”/>
<role name=”noacc” read=”false” write=”false” create=”false”/>
The jbossmq-service.xml file contains configuration information for the actual JBossMQ service. In particular, you can modify values in here to tweak performance by reducing timeout intervals. However, we won’t actually
get into that in this book.