Java Tutorial - Java Scipt : JORAM

Java Tutorial - Java Scipt :


JORAM is one of the best pure-Java JMS providers available. It was originally developed at Bull, a European consulting firm, and since being open sourced JORAM has incorporated research from INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control). Since JORAM leverages other open source projects, it is available under a number of different licenses. JORAM is very feature rich and adds many niceties above and beyond what is needed to implement the JMS specification, such as flow control and topic hierarchies distributed over servers. In addition, there is strong developmental activity from the core team. The following table gives a
Scalability is one of JORAM’s strong suits. Its ability to cluster topics is a big plus in enterprise applications that require a high level of scalability. The flow control mechanism is great for throttling down an overly active client and maintaining levels of service for other clients. There are also many other features that should contribute to JORAM’s dominance in the scalability arena. JORAM’s performance is decent, although the wealth of additional functionality of the product detracts from its overall performance in a simple configuration. As the need for scalability goes up, JORAM’s relative performance could be much better than the other JMS providers. JORAM features its own administration protocol via JMS to make administration easier. A lack of tools undermines this effort to a large extent: you still have to code your own administration interface! Granted, with a little effort, a Java Swing administration client or a Web interface using JMS could be created, and odds are that those administration tools will be added to JORAM in the future. It’s worth noting that all JMS providers come with an API that exposes administrative features, so it is possible to wrap the administration API to interface it with JMS. So, although the administration protocol running over JMS is espoused as a feature, it really doesn’t add up to much of an advantage.
Setting up JORAM is a snap and having it available integrated with JOnAS, its sister EJB container, is wonderful. Some great sample programs come with it, and the test suite, available through an additional download, is very nice
to have. JORAM has considerable development velocity, with new releases showing up on a regular basis. The code is high quality, and because several of the primary developers are employed by ScalAgent, I would expect to see continued high-quality development. On the other hand, having a corporate backer that could potentially steer the direction of development is a risk. Thus far there has been no reason to worry about that, but it is a potential issue.
Perhaps the most confusing aspect of JORAM is the plethora of licenses. This is so because the JORAM project builds upon several other open source projects, namely from the Xerces and Jakarta-Apache projects. As a result, the
JORAM code must also be made available under multiple licenses: the JORAM license, the Open Public License 1.0, and the Apache Software License 1.1. Although this is confusing, it is actually not much of an issue because the
licenses share a lot of common ground and don’t really put up any noteworthy restrictions. All are open source licenses and should not be an issue.

Downloading the free JORAM implementation requires entering your name, email address, and organization, as well as agreeing to the JORAM license; we think this requirement a bit onerous for an open source product.

JORAM also has a JMS test suite available on the Web site. They used it to test that JORAM’s JMS compliance when it was rewritten, and it serves a good measuring stick to check whether other JMS providers are compliant. The results are very nice, and the tests themselves are open source, so you can see what is actually being run. Unlike the download for JORAM, the test suite is available without having to enter any personal information. The test suite is available at the following URL: To run the test suite, you will need to have Ant and JUnit installed.
The easiest way to make JUnit available to Ant is to place the junit.jar file into your ANT_HOME/lib directory.

One problem that may crop up after downloading the JORAM files is that they might end up with the wrong extension. The files are typically .tgz, which is in the tar gzipped format. The .tar extension is erroneously appended to the file, and you should remove that part of the filename. Overall, JORAM is a great product with many advanced features. The lack of good administration tools is JORAM’s greatest weakness. If you think that you will hit the scalability limits of the other JMS providers, JORAM is your best bet.