Java Tutorial - Java Scipt : Overview of JMS within an Enterprise

Java Tutorial - Java Scipt :

Overview of JMS within an Enterprise

JMS is a superb mechanism for passing events and data between enterprise components, and because enterprise components are often EJBs, JMS is fairly prevalent among middleware business components. In particular, messagedriven beans serve as a great JMS message consumer hook into the typical enterprise application. Messaging is also useful for standalone Java thick clients. For example, an administration console can benefit greatly from JMS to receive important events or send queries to multiple monitored sources. JMS messaging can be a useful tool from the Web tier, although this is less common in practice. For example, servlets in the Web tier can use JMS to send messages to components. The servlet can then go about its business without waiting for the operation to be completed. The drawback is that the status of the operation is not available, as it is in the case of a synchronous call, where the return status is known after the call is completed. There are situations where this is acceptable, such as a buy order for a stock, where the status could be marked as pending until the order is processed. The user can check later to find out the status of his or her order. This is an overview of JMS within the enterprise architecture. There are many places where JMS is a good solution. The best way to see where JMS fits into the enterprise architecture is to look at the problems that JMS solves.