Java Tutorial - Java Scipt : Ownership and File Permissions

Java Tutorial - Java Scipt :

Ownership and File Permissions

The question of ownership and file permissions is a sticky one. Typically, programs are either owned by the user or, in the case of shared programs, owned by a user ID that is created just for that purpose. We’ll be going that route in this case. First, create a new user ID and user group for JBoss: useradd -c “Special JBoss user” -r jboss Next, you need to move your JBoss directory to the location where shared programs are commonly installed. This varies among different Linux distributions. A good place to put the JBoss directory is under /usr/local/jboss.
Be sure to update the JBOSS_HOME environment variable to point to the shared directory.

Now, let’s move the ownership over to the new jboss user ID. chown –R jboss:jboss /usr/local/jboss
That’s it! Next, we’ll look at how to start our new shared JBoss program as a daemon within Linux.