Java Tutorial - Java Scipt : JDOM

Java Tutorial - Java Scipt :


JDOM is an unabashedly Java-centric interface to XML. JDOM builds upon a JAXP-compliant parser, and its goal is to let programs work with XML within the style and syntax of Java. As a result, JDOM is very easy for Java programmers to learn. See the following table for a summary of JDOM.

One key architectural decision of JDOM is the focus away from object factories. This makes it possible to construct a new Element object without needing a reference to the parent document or calling a static method in a factory. Overall, the code is cleaner and there’s less overhead involved.
 The biggest criticism against JDOM is that it is not as object oriented as it should be, and objects don’t make use of shared base classes. Inheritance used properly makes for a more cogent object model that is both easier to understand and fits the Java model better. dom4j is a good example of a proper object-oriented design.

JDOM is an excellent tool for parsing and manipulating XML documents. The simple object model is refreshingly easy-to-use. Performance is decent, but not a major selling point. To quote one of the project goals, JDOM aims to
solve 80 percent of your XML needs with 20 percent of the work.